July 2021: I’m excited to announce I have been signed by eGlobal Publishing (the New York arm of jianlaiglobal) for my books to be available through its subscription-based partner platforms in a serialised format. |
eGlobal works as a bridge between its partner platforms and writers wishing to expand their audiences to new readers whose first language is not necessarily English but who wish to read English-language novels, mainly young people in South East Asia, the US and South America.
A Legal Affair and A Complicated Affair are now available on Webnovel and Dreame. I will update this as they become available on other platforms.
After discussions with eGlobal’s editor I decided that the titles (Automaton and Imbroglio) and covers were not suitable for the intended audience base. The titles risked being too obscure and the covers didn’t convey a sense of place. So Automaton became A Legal Affair and Imbroglio became A Complicated Affair. The new covers also show the story settings as unequivocally Australian.
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